Responsive Post & Product Scrolling Carousel
Create a scrolling post carousel for your WordPress site. SEO friendly and it can handle custom post types & WooCommerce products.
Easy-to-follow tutorials to help you customise and extend WooCommerce.
Create a scrolling post carousel for your WordPress site. SEO friendly and it can handle custom post types & WooCommerce products.
Create a button to add items to your cart by SKU and Quantity. Deploy the button as a shortcode, hook the single product page, and more…
Hide specific WooCommerce endpoints in the customer account area, based on user roles. Simple code – no plug-in required.
Add WooCommerce product overlays like badges and stickers. Great for New Products and for advertising featured and sale products.
Learn how to add a secondary accounts email address for your customers’ orders & invoices in WooCommerce, without using a plugin.
Hide your WordPress site’s wp-login.php page from bots. Redirect to your site’s 404 page, or to an alternative frontend login form.